Clay Harrington
Professional Resume
Work Experience
Live Camera Operator
Summer of 2021 & 2022
Operated a camera for livestreams of the American Ultimate Disc League, a professional ultimate frisbee league, including the 2022 Championship Game that was broadcast live on Fox Sports.
Event and Product Photography and Videography
April 2018 - March 2020
Produced photo and video content for live events at Wisconsin Brewing Company. Events included large crowds of over 2000 people for live music, beer festivals and other unique experiences. Also produced photo and video content for new and seasonal
beer releases.
Misc. Freelance
2016 - Present
A variety of one-off freelance photo and video projects, including photos for stage performances, family shoots, sports highlight video editing, as well as may other smaller tasks.
Associates Degree, Madison College
Visual Communications
I received an Associates Degree in Visual Communications from Madison College. My classes were focused on video production, audio production, motion graphics, and graphic design. I made
the Dean's List five times, Spring '21 & '22, Summer '21 & '22, as
well as Fall '21.